Investors Abroad is a platform and safe space for immigrants/expats to talk about money, finances and investing. No false modesty, no judgement, no criticism. Let’s discover, grow and learn together.

I show immigrants/expats simple ways to manage personal finances, switch from a consumer to an investor mindset and make long-term investing a priority. Let me take you by the hand, guide you, support you and set you up to become a successful investor abroad!

man eye where to start

Are You An Expat Living In Europe And Want To Start Investing In The Stock Market, But Don't Know Where To Start?

Let me take you by the hand and guide you through the process of investing in Europe. I will show you, how easy it is to invest in Stocks and ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) and how you can start with as little as 10 EUR per month. History shows that the markets give you around 8% return a year. Do not let your savings to sit in the bank account losing you around 3% on inflation every year.

Do You Want To Improve Your Financial Well-Being? When Was The Last Time You Checked on Your Financial Health?

Get clear about your financial status quo, understand your numbers and set clear and realistic financial goals. If you don’t know where do you want to go, how are you going to get there? Also,  do you have an investment plan? Let’s plan it together. The strategy I show you, will allow you to invest automatically and  passively every month, so that you have more free time for the things you love.

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You Want To Make Your Money Work Hard For You, And Generate Passive Income While Building On Your Financial Future?​

Let your investments compound over time and enjoy receiving quarterly passive income from dividends from some of the best and most valuable companies in the world! Besides, have you already thought about your retirement plan? Invest to be financially secure once in pension age. Get started now!

An Investment In Knowledge Pays The Best Interest!

Benjamin Franklin


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Your money invested looks very different than if you just save it!

Have you asked yourself before “How can I manage my money better?” or “How can I finally start investing?” and “Where do I put my money to work for me? I want it to grow!”

Send me an e-mail with some details about you and your financial goals to and I’ll invite you to a 30 min free intro call so that we can get to know each other better and explore how we could work together and get you where you want to be -financially speaking! 




No more excuses, I am investing now!
what are internationals saying...


Happy Investors!


Happy Investors!

free Money Talk


Take Control Of Your Money!

Creating a savings plan takes dedication and smart money management. If you want to become an investor, you need to start managing your money well, this means controlling emotional spending and creating lasting saving habits. The more you save and invest, the quicker you can reach financial freedom! You don’t have to stop spending money. You just have to stop spending money on stuff you don’t care about.

Join the LIVE Money Talk where Marcela Barrera, founder of Investors Abroad will be dropping advice on how to set priorities, establish a spending plan and create lasting savings habits.

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here some facts


Can You Spot The Problem?

of expats said that handling their finances and investing in a new country is overwhelming and difficult.
is the average monthly net pension in Germany. We are talking “Old-age poverty”.
of Expats hold a university degree. Where is your hard-earned money going? Are your savings losing you money on inflation?
free calendar


Download The Cash Calendar For Free

Track your expenses for a month and reflect on your spender behaviours. The first step to become an investor is to spend less and invest more! Cut on your expenses and boost your savings.

First, we create our habits, and then our habits create our life and our results. This also applies to the money and finance areas. Working towards improving your money habits is essential and also intentional. If you are reading these lines now it’s because you want to optimise your financial results.

Getting “good” with money doesn’t happen overnight. It is a process and you can start with this cash calendar. Yes, it can even be quite challenging but I am sure you are up for a little challenge, aren’t you?

Foto fuer den Calendar Kopie
nice to see you here!


I Demystify The Stock Market For Expats And Help You Build Up Your Personal Investor Action Plan

Over the last 5 years, I have been educating myself on the topics of financial literacy, stock market, investments, passive income streams, from reading books to attending seminars from the best on the topic. Financial education puts you in another position.

I experienced so much power and freedom from the process that I’ve since made it my mission to share it with as many people as possible and that’s why I started my financial coaching BIZ.

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I am eager to impact as many people as possible. Expats you are invited to embrace finances and take responsibility for your financial future, especially  abroad! Join me on this transformational journey! Remember that we all have the power to create our own life path, it depends solely on us. Investing in yourself, your personal development and your growth is the easiest way to increase your income. Do never settle for less than you deserve. Dream big and take action.
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I'd Love To Hear From You

Money is in many cases the number 1 source of stress. Do you want to bring some financial literacy input and investing knowledge to yourself a community or company? Let’s chat!

Write us at

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Bringing Financial Literacy To The Table

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